On most days, the Posse heads to our favorite hangout, West Crest Dog Park in fabulous West Seattle. Here we can play in the designated, fully fenced small dog area or frolic on the trails with the local squirrels
(Scout's personal favorite.) |
Boarding your dog with me is like sending them to their favorite Aunt’s house. After a day at the park, we head back to the house for a nap or more playtime and then it’s supper & a movie.
If they usually sleep in bed with you, I have plenty of room in my king size bed! Nighty Night!
Whether it’s separation anxiety or a long day at work, my daycare option gives your pup the extra attention you both want. This always includes a park trip. I try to be accommodating, so the hours are negotiable.
On rainy days or in treacherous weather, we head back to the Petite Posse Headquarters where we comfortably play indoors and are just a few small steps to a lush and fully fenced yard. At the P.P.HQ there are lots of cool toys & sometimes, even a dance party breaks out! All without ruining our nicely groomed hairdos! Petite Posse Headquarters
Petite Posse is licensed, bonded and fully insured.
2013. All rights reserved. No content may be used or modified without express written consent from Cyndi Witcshi.